The Guiducci Massimiliano rents the continuation motor caravan (vehicle) identified in the relative invoice leaves integrating of the present contracted to the pacts previewed there and the following ones:

1-Reception and gives back of the vehicle. The customer receives the vehicle in perfect order or with checked and marked damages before the departure and he is obligated to give back it in equal conditions (except the normal usury in relation to the kilometres covered and agreed) with the tires, the tools, documents and the entire equipment in equipment. The vehicle will be withdrawn and given back during the opening timetable, in the place in which it has been taken in chartering. The customer will be responsible for the damages caused to the vehicle for improper use or deriving from usury not proportioned to the covered kilometres, and in theft case it will be to its cargo the relative exemption, or the total value of the vehicle if, always as a result of theft, it did not give back to the Guiducci Massimiliano the keys and the booklet of circulation of the vehicle and/or has closed to key means. The vehicles, if not various agreed in written form, must be given back within the 10:30.

2-Lead of the vehicle. The vehicle can be used exclusively from the customer or from other persons, on condition that they are authorized from the Guiducci Massimiliano, they have completed the 20 years of age, they have some less than 70 and with driver's license of adapted category from more than a year. The customer remains however always the responsible directed one. At last the vehicle does not have to be used: a) for the transport of smuggled goddess or any other transport in violation of the laws; b) for the transport of passengers or goodses against compensations; c) in order to push or to haul other vehicles or you tow; d) in competitions of any sport kind and not, or tests of distances; e) for the transport of packages mails them; f) in order to give lessons of guide or for practices the same one; g) for any other use in violation of regulations.

3-Payment. The customer obligates itself to pay and/or to reimburse the Guiducci Massimiliano how much follows: a) every other sum previewed from the contracted present a title it of the correspondence and/or reimbursement; b) the cost of the refill of the fuel (as from receipt of the station of service) and relative service (€ 20) in case the customer chooses to give back the vehicle with an amount of inferior fuel to that receipt; c) the amount of the fines endorsements debited to the customer and/or the Guiducci Massimiliano for violation of the Rule of the Road and to the regulations on the circulation of the vehicles store clerks during the chartering. In any case the customer renounces to any relative exception to the reimbursement of the fines or paid pecuniary endorsements to the Guiducci Massimiliano; d) every expense, included those lawyers, than the Guiducci Massimiliano it had to support in order to obtain the payment of the amounts due to any title it from the customer; f) all administrative expenses, taxes, deriving from the chartering; g) the refund for the damages caused for negligence to the roof, drop curtain or bad use of the vehicle; h) the customer takes action that the chartering will come closed to the date of gives back of the vehicle, relative keys and documents, and that the lacked one gives back of same to the fine ones chartering will involve debits of an extra day of chartering to the same rate, of the cost of duplication of the keys or substitution of all the notebooks of the locks, documents, of the recovery of the vehicle. He remains meant that the loss of the keys will involve, in all the cases, I debit of 96 hours of technical stop, beyond the duration of the chartering. The invoice of the Guiducci Massimiliano for the sums of which over he is payable at sight from the customer. In case of delayed payment of any sum to any title it due to invoice, the customer will have to correspond to the Guiducci Massimiliano the interests; i) the cleaning of inside and external vehicle, if not executed or executed badly from the customer. The lacked inner and external cleansing, the emptying of grey waters will involve the payment of a supplement of 40 €;

4-Fine and fines. The customer obligates itself to make to reach the Guiducci Massimiliano, by hand or for mail, every fine from the public authority, pain the compensation of the eventual damage for the impossibility of defence. The Guiducci Massimiliano is authorized to debt on the customer’ credit card the fines, if they came after his departure with 40€ fee.

5-Things of property of the customer. The customer recognizes that Guiducci Massimiliano could not never be thought responsible for the loss or damages to the transported things, abandoned in the vehicle is during the chartering that gives back after it.

6-Condition of the vehicle. It stops remaining the responsibility of the manufacturer of the vehicle for the construction defects, the customer will use the normal responsibility in order to maintain the same vehicle in conditions of full efficiency. The control every 1000 km of all the levels of the liquids of the motor is essential condition. It will use the normal responsibility also in the hypothesis in which mechanical breakdowns had to be verified during the chartering in order to maintain the vehicle in conditions of full efficiency. In the hypothesis in which they had to be verified of the breakdowns during the period of chartering, the Guiducci Massimiliano will not be responsible for eventual delays of the customer, the loss or the deterioration of the transported things and for the damages of any nature, contractual and extra contractual, endured from the customer and had to the aforesaid mechanical breakdowns. The customer, during the period of chartering and if not there is straight to the guarantee of the vehicle, will be able to make to carry out repairs till the figure of € 50 Vat comprised without authorization from the Guiducci Massimiliano. For greater amounts he will have to be authorized for enrolled. The right to the reimbursement of the sums anticipated and authorized for enrolled from the Guiducci Massimiliano, will be confirmed and only granted to the return of the vehicle, after delivery of regulating invoice knit of the registered amount to Guiducci Massimiliano and after pre-vision of the parts damaged replaced, to the aim to assess that you he has not been partial or total responsibility from the customer with regard to the taken place disadvantage. The delivery to the Guiducci Massimiliano of the knit invoice and the damaged parts is essential condition in all the cases. The repairs as a result of it gives or caused from dirty in the fuel, perforation and deterioration of the tires , usury brakes and clutch are excluded from any type of reimbursement.

7-Use of the contract. The customer obligates itself not to yield, to sell, to mortgage or to give in pledge the contracted present, the vehicle, the tools, the equipment or every its part and however not to act in contrast with the rights of property of the Guiducci Massimiliano.

8-Obligation of the customer. The customer is held to observe the terms and conditions established in the present contracted also in the hypothesis in which or agreed with the Guiducci Massimiliano an extension of the period of chartering. In case the customer, non-authorized for enrolled from the Guiducci Massimiliano, delayed for to any gives back it reason of the vehicle had in chartering, he will be held to correspond a every day quadruple rate for every day of delay and in more they will be to its cargo all the consequent damages that had to be charged to the Guiducci Massimiliano to any title it from private or for through judicial authorities. In such case the Guiducci Massimiliano will be availed again immediately on sufficient the security if, that is through the ulterior direct invoicing of supported expenses for which the customer will not make exception some, sin now renouncing to any legal action.

9-Anticipated re-enter. In the event in which the customer, for any reason, deliveries the vehicle before the expiration of the chartering, will not have straight to no type of reimbursement for the not used residual period.

10-Termination of the rental booking. In the event that the customer for any reason, cancels the reservation only in writing the charter, must pay the following amounts apply for the whole year:30 days before departure 40% of the total; 20 days before departure 60% of the total; 15 days before departure 100% of the total

11-Vehicle not available. If for serious damages that of it prohibit the circulation, theft, fire, delayed give back etc., the Guiducci Massimiliano was behind schedule or in the impossibility to deliver to the vehicle object of this contracted of chartering, nothing and to no title it could be demanded from the customer like compensation, since causes not employee from the will of the Guiducci Massimiliano.

12-Left and damages. In left case the customer engages itself among other things protect the interests of the Guiducci Massimiliano and its insurance agency, obligating itself (pain the forfeiture of the benefit of every insurance cover) to: a) to supply the names and the addresses of the parts been involved in the left and of the witnesses; b) not to admit eventual responsibilities or fault; c) not to leave the vehicle and without some adapted safeguard; d) to give news for I telephone to the office of the Guiducci Massimiliano also in case of light damages, sending for fax or email, a detailed relationship equipped from a clear and precise outline; e) to immediately inform the authorities of police in case of necessity of assessments to cargo of thirds party or in the hypothesis in which they are hurt. In left case, in case the competent authority you obligate the Guiducci Massimiliano to the test of the vehicle, puts into effect considered it them normative, the customer is held to reimburse the difference between the value trades them and minor the value which had to the left.

13-Damage to the vehicle. The Guiducci Massimiliano of every damage quickly from the vehicle will reimburse the Customer, for any event, connected and not with the use of that it derived or not for guilt of the Customer and this till the amount total of the previewed exemptions; moreover it will be to cargo of the Customer, where the damages have been from it procured, the every day cost of the firm vehicle for repairs, that date will be debited to the every day rate of the chartering in to that. The customer moreover authorizes the Guiducci Massimiliano for the hypothesis of the damage to the vehicle to embed and to withhold the entire bail, till the moment of the compensation from the insurance. The bail, deducted how much from the insurance and carried out the other deductions previewed from the Conditions Do not generate them, as applicable it will be given back to the customer without interests, to the compensation from the assurance. In the event of violation of the norms of street circulation and than disposed to art. the 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 the Customer will be responsible for the entire one to pile of the damage and the loss.

14-Warehouse. The customer, before the departure, will pour a security deposit of € 1.000 to cover of eventual damages and/or demands for which to points 3,4, 8, 11,12, 13 following 15 like account, and for those found to he gives back of the vehicle, the fixed insurance exemption and in percentage, in case of theft, fire and cover kasco, the ulterior deposit in the event in which the security he is not sufficient. The fixed insurance exemption is of € 1000 in theft case. The security will be given back the same day after the end date of coming back or of chartering on condition that they are not present you some damn.

15-Lack gives back. The lacked one gives back of the vehicle in the terms previewed from the chartering will involve the denunciation to the competent authorities in the comparisons of the customer for embezzlement besides the deposit of the insurance exemption of € 2,000. The non return of the vehicle authorized the Guiducci Massimiliano to charge in the credit card 2000€.

16-Add and variations. Any variations or added to the conditions of the contracted present valid single if will be confirmed for enrolled competent

17-Hole. The contract is regulated from the Italian law and every controversy from deriving it or relative it is exclusive competence of the Hole of Forli-Cesena.